Results for 'Heloísa Baccaro Rossetti Santana'

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  1.  26
    Comparison Between Conventional Intervention and Non-immersive Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of Individuals in an Inpatient Unit for the Treatment of COVID-19: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial.Talita Dias da Silva, Patricia Mattos de Oliveira, Josiane Borges Dionizio, Andreia Paiva de Santana, Shayan Bahadori, Eduardo Dati Dias, Cinthia Mucci Ribeiro, Renata de Andrade Gomes, Marcelo Ferreira, Celso Ferreira, Íbis Ariana Peña de Moraes, Deise Mara Mota Silva, Viviani Barnabé, Luciano Vieira de Araújo, Heloísa Baccaro Rossetti Santana & Carlos Bandeira de Mello Monteiro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:622618.
    Background: The new human coronavirus that leads to COVID-19 has spread rapidly around the world and has a high degree of lethality. In more severe cases, patients remain hospitalized for several days under treatment of the health team. Thus, it is important to develop and use technologies with the aim to strengthen conventional therapy by encouraging movement, physical activity, and improving cardiorespiratory fitness for patients. In this sense, therapies for exposure to virtual reality are promising and have been shown to (...)
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    “Aggregative” and “Deliberative” Decision-Making Procedures: A Comparison of Two Southern Italian Factories.Lucio Baccaro - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (2):243-271.
    By comparing developments in two southern Italian factories, this article contrasts “aggregative” and “deliberative” procedures in trade unions. In one of the plants, the preferences of some of the workers appear to have been changed by deliberation. The process of rational persuasion seems to have required, however, more than sheer circulation of information. Based on this evidence, the article argues that when a potential conflict of interests is involved, speakers need to provide evidence that they are animated by a “communicative” (...)
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    Dante e l'Islam. La ripresa del dibattito storiografico sugli studi di Asin Palacios.Sabina Baccaro - 2013 - Doctor Virtualis 12.
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    The Construction of “Democratic” Corporatism in Italy.Lucio Baccaro - 2002 - Politics and Society 30 (2):327-357.
    Based on field research at both the national and local levels, this article reconstructs the emergence of negotiated policy making in Italy in the 1990s. It argues that standard corporatist theory is totally incapable of accounting for the particular organizational mechanisms through which, at critical moments, that is, the moments in which policy change had to be introduced, consensus was mobilized among both middle-level union structures and rank-and-file workers in Italy. In fact, absent centralized organizational capacities, the Italian unions relied (...)
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    Rethinking Comparative Political Economy: The Growth Model Perspective.Jonas Pontusson & Lucio Baccaro - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (2):175-207.
    This paper develops an analytical approach to comparative political economy that focuses on the relative importance of different components of aggregate demand—in the first instance, exports and household consumption—and dynamic relations among the “demand drivers” of growth. We illustrate this approach by comparing patterns of economic growth in Germany, Italy, Sweden, and the United Kingdom over the period 1994–2007. Our discussion emphasizes that export-led growth and consumption-led growth have different implications for distributive conflict.
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    A Common Neoliberal Trajectory: The Transformation of Industrial Relations in Advanced Capitalism.Chris Howell & Lucio Baccaro - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (4):521-563.
    Based on quantitative indicators for fifteen advanced countries between 1974 and 2005, and case studies of France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Ireland, this article analyzes the trajectory of institutional change in the industrial relations systems of advanced capitalist societies, with a focus on Western Europe. In contrast to current comparative political economy scholarship, which emphasizes the resilience of national institutions to common challenges and trends, it argues that despite a surface resilience of distinct national sets, all countries (...)
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    Business Ethics and Corporate Governance in Latin America.Heloisa B. Bedicks & M. Cecilia Arruda - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (2):218-228.
    This article determines what the role of business ethics is within the Latin American corporate governance context. We analyzed five sources of information that provide vital information on the state of corporate governance in Latin America: the meetings of the Latin American Corporate Governance Network; the debates in the Latin America Corporate Governance Roundtables; the study Panorama Atual da Governança Corporativa no Brasil [Overview of Corporate Governance in Brazil], developed by the IBGC (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance) in partnership with (...)
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  8. A cura do corpo ea conversão da alma–conhecimento da natureza e conquista da América, séculos XVI e XVII.Heloisa Meireles Gesteira - 2004 - Topoi 5 (8):71-95.
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    Arquitectura digital, desafíos democráticos y regulación: el ejemplo brasileño.Heloisa Fernandes Câmara, Millena Antunes de Oliveira & João Victor Archegas - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    La arquitectura digital ha alterado de manera decisiva la sociedad y, en consecuencia, demanda respuestas legales. De la Internet desarrollada en la década de 1970 con fines militares, casi nada permanece igual. La plataforma ha otorgado un poder sin igual a las empresas de tecnología, cambiando la forma en que nos comunicamos, abordamos la política, negociamos y también cómo nos relacionamos. En la economía digital actual, la atención de los usuarios es el principal producto, y estos usuarios también son productores (...)
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    A educação de superdotados na educação matemática crítica.Heloísa Gabriela Paterno, Kauane Ferrari Luiz, Larissa Hang & Paula Civiero - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:731-740.
    O presente artigo deriva de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho propositivo que busca levantar questões relacionadas à diferenciação e os atendimentos voltados para estudantes com Altas Habilidades ou Superdotação, à luz da educação matemática crítica. Para tal, é necessário compreender a definição, características, dificuldades e necessidades educacionais dos educandos com altas habilidades. Dentre estas necessidades estão o estímulo intelectual, o contato com pares, menos tempo em espera e desafios à altura de seu nível cognitivo, fatores que implicam na premência da (...)
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    A liberdade da consciência humana: o que Lutero e Kierkegaard tem a nos dizer?Heloisa Allgayer - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (3):298-318.
    In this article I try to bring to light the convergences and divergences between the German reformer Marthin Luther and the Danish philosopher Kierkegaard. For this purpose, the text was subdivided into four chapters so that it could be possible to bring the main ideas of the authors. The dialogue between Luther and Kierkegaard, where the author defends freedom of conscience as being a freedom from, as Luther does, since our freedom is only found when we love Christ, with a (...)
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    Uma análise epistêmica para a elucidação do complexo de espécies crípticas.Heloisa Allgayer, Rafael Francisco Hiller & Victor Hugo Valiati - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 1:021005.
    Historically, taxonomy, which is the area responsible for describing new species, used a priori only morphological characteristics. Darwin already pointed out that there was a great divergence among taxonomists when they classified some organism as a species. When a new species is described, due to its historical weight, the morphological characters are considered as the first species demarcation criterion, however, with the advance of genetics and molecular biology, new methods are added. The use of multiple methods seems to be necessary (...)
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  13. Direito à procriação e as técnicas de reprodução assistida.Heloísa Helena Barboza - 2004 - In Eduardo de Oliveira Leite & Adriana Cristine Arent, Grandes temas da atualidade: bioética e biodireito. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Forense.
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    Novos temas de biodireito e bioética.Heloisa Helena Barboza, Jussara Meirelles, Vicente de Paulo Barretto & Eduardo Munaretto (eds.) - 2003 - Rio de Janeiro: Renovar.
    Traz os resultados das investigações levadas a efeito em função de alguns problemas centrais no campo da Bioética e Biodireito: clonagem, patenteamento genético, eutanásia, reprodução assistida e disposição do próprio corpo.
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    Darwinismo, meio ambiente, sociedade =.Heloisa Maria Bertol Domingues (ed.) - 2009 - São Paulo, SP: Via Lettera Editora.
    O foco deste livro, concentrado no meio físico, biológico e social, discute partidarismos e oposições à teoria de Darwin, apresentando uma mescla de trabalhos de estudiosos do tema. Não havendo, neste sentido, uma homogeneidade. A apresentação dos trabalhos segue passos da teoria, naquilo que ela deixou como legado para o conhecimento das relações no meio ambiente e do entrecruzamento de ambos.
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  16. The astronomical observations of Bento Sanches Dorta in Rio de Janeiro, 1781-1787.Heloisa Meireles Gesteira - 2023 - In Matheus Alves Duarte Da Silva, Thomás A. S. Haddad & Kapil Raj, Beyond science and empire: circulation of knowledge in an age of global empires, 1750-1945. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Modelo de editoração eletrônica: Cadernos de História : Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas – SEER: passo a passo.Heloisa Guaracy Machado, Leandro Pereira de Abreu & Rafael Pacheco Mourão - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31).
    Modelo de editoração eletrônica: Cadernos de História : Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas – SEER: passo a passo.
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  18.  19
    Editoriais do El País a partir da perspectiva dialógica.Heloisa Mara Mendes & Marina Célia Mendonça - 2022 - Bakhtiniana 17 (1):138-165.
    RESUMO Neste trabalho, analisamos enunciados pertencentes ao gênero editorial produzidos em língua espanhola e publicados pelo jornal El País, em sua edição digital, durante o mês de fevereiro de 2020. Objetivamos descrever esse gênero tal como ele se manifesta no referido periódico e refletir sobre o diálogo estabelecido entre o jornal e o leitor presumido. Para a realização da análise, fundamentamo-nos na perspectiva dialógica da linguagem, sobretudo em escritos de Bakhtin e Volóchinov dos quais destacamos os conceitos de gêneros do (...)
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  19. População em situação de rua : sua casa, sua vida.Heloisa Mesquita - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto, Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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    Arquivos e reconstrução de trajetórias de vida: a dimensão transnacional e transcultural dos exílios.Heloisa Helena de Jesus Paulo - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (2):15-21.
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    Moneda social: ¿gattopardismo o ruptura de paradigma?Heloisa Primavera - 2002 - Polis 2.
    El texto resalta que las experiencias innovadoras son absorbidas el neoliberalismo, entre ellas El microcrédito, el presupuesto participativo y las economías no monetarias. El artículo resalta que el intercambio no monetario ha sido abundante y variado a lo largo de la historia, y expone la red global actual de trueque solidario, confrontando luego las interpretaciones que limitan hoy su existencia a nivel mucho más amplio. La autora nos insta finalmente a inventar propuestas capaces de producir sinergia para construir una sociedad (...)
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    Where Only Wind Was Once Sown.Heloisa Maria Murgel Starling - 2007 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 3 (2):152-180.
  23.  23
    A labuta sem ciranda: crianças pobres e trabalho em mariana.Heloísa Maria Teixeira - 2006 - Diálogos (Maringa) 10 (3).
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  24. Trago o Fado nos sentidos: canção, memória portuguesa na rádio paulista.Heloísa de Araujo Duarte Valente & Mônica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Este texto apresenta partes de um projeto de longa duração, desenvolvido pelas autoras, que trata da cultura e identidade, memória e nomadismo através da música e, em particular do fado. Este gênero fixou-se no Brasil, através dos imigrantes portugueses e luso-descendentes, a transmissão sendo feita pelo rádio. Após um período de esmaecimento, o fado reaparece na paisagem sonora do final do século XX, com importantes mudanças no processo de assimilação e transmissão (...)
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    Implicit short-lived motor representations of space in brain damaged and healthy subjects.Yves Rossetti - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (3):520-558.
    This article reviews experimental evidence for a specific sensorimotor function which can be dissociated from higher level representations of space. It attempts to delineate this function on the basis of results obtained by psychophysical experiments performed with brain damaged and healthy subjects. Eye and hand movement control exhibit automatic features, such that they are incompatible with conscious control. In addition, they rely on a reference frame different from the one used by conscious perception. Neuropsychological cases provide a strong support for (...)
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  26. Implicit perception in action: Short-lived motor representation of space.Yves Rossetti - 2001 - In Peter G. Grossenbacher, Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach. Advances in Consciousness Research. John Benjamins. pp. 133-181.
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    Beyond Dissociation: Interaction Between Dissociated Implicit and Explicit Processing.Yves Rossetti (ed.) - 2000 - Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  28. Save the planet: eliminate biodiversity.Carlos Santana - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):761-780.
    Recent work in the philosophy of biology has attempted to clarify and defend the use of the biodiversity concept in conservation science. I argue against these views, and give reasons to think that the biodiversity concept is a poor fit for the role we want it to play in conservation biology on both empirical and conceptual grounds. Against pluralists, who hold that biodiversity consists of distinct but correlated properties of natural systems, I argue that the supposed correlations between these properties (...)
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    Thales the measurer.Livio Rossetti - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Thales the Measurer offers a comprehensive and iconoclastic account of Thales of Miletus, considering the full extent of our evidence to build a new picture of his intellectual interests and activity. Thales is most commonly associated with the claim that 'everything is water', but closer examination of the evidence that we have suggests that he could not have said anything of the sort. His real interests, and his real innovations, lay in challenges of quantitative measurement, especially measurements related to the (...)
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  30. Reducing spatial neglect by visual and other sensory manipulations: non-cognitive (physiological) routes to the rehabilitation of a cognitive disorder.Y. Rossetti & G. Rode - 2002 - In Hans-Otto Karnath, David Milner & Giuseppe Vallar, The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford University Press. pp. 375--396.
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  31. Storia e preistoria della filosofia: alcune date cruciali.Livio Rossetti - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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  32. Ricerche sui 'Dialoghi Socratici' di Fedone e di Euclide.Livio Rossetti - 1980 - Hermes 108 (2):183-200.
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    Né filosofo né sofista.Livio Rossetti - 2022 - In Claudia Marsico, Socrates and the Socratic Philosophies: Selected Papers from Socratica IV. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag. pp. 17-34.
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  34. Numbsense: A case study and implications.Yves Rossetti, Gilles Rode & Dominique Boisson - 2001 - In Beatrice de Gelder, Edward H. F. De Haan & Charles A. Heywood, Out of Mind: Varieties of Unconscious Processes. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 265-292.
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    Metaphor Comprehension in Schizophrenic Patients.Ileana Rossetti, Paolo Brambilla & Costanza Papagno - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  36. Waiting for the Anthropocene.Carlos Santana - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (4):1073-1096.
    The idea that we are living in the Anthropocene, a new geological epoch defined by human activity, has gained substantial currency across the academy and with the broader public. Within the earth sciences, however, the question of the Anthropocene is hotly debated, recognized as a question that gets at both the foundations of geological science and issues of broad philosophical importance. For example, official recognition of the Anthropocene requires us to find a way to use the methods of historical science (...)
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  37. What’s wrong with dogwhistles.Carlos Santana - 2022 - Journal of Social Philosophy 53 (3):387-403.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 53, Issue 3, Page 387-403, Fall 2022.
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  38.  72
    Ambiguity in Cooperative Signaling.Carlos Santana - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (3):398-422.
    In game-theoretic signaling models, evolution tends to favor perfectly precise signaling systems, but in the natural world communication is almost always imprecise. I argue that standard explanations for this discrepancy are only partially sufficient, and I show that communication is often ambiguous because signal senders take advantage of context sensitivity. As evidence, I make two additions to the signaling model: a cost for more complex signaling strategies and the ability to combine information in signals with independent information. Analysis and simulation (...)
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    Le dialogue socratique in statu nascendi.Livio Rossetti - 2001 - Philosophie Antique 1 (1):11-35.
    There was probably a large number of logoi sokratikoi at the beginning of the IVth century B. C. The discovery of this phenomenon raises the problem of which factors rendered possible the birth, development and success of this literature. In this paper, these factors are sought in certain practices that were developed within the Socratic circle when Socrates himself was still alive.
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  40. Storia e Preistoria della Filosofia: Alcune date cruciali.Livio Rossetti - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:11-20.
    Philosophy is often taken to be something that is always possible, so that everyone is fully entitled sketching a ‘philosophy’ of his/her own. Nevertheless, it is widely assumed that philosophy began in Miletus with Thales. But it is equally well known that the Presocratics remained unaware of being philosophers, and therefore could not even have wanted to be identified that way. These three points are not mutually compatible. So, what lies behind them? What is escaping our attention when we state (...)
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  41. What Is Language?Carlos Santana - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3.
    Linguists (and philosophers of language) have long disagreed about the ontology of language, and thus about the proper subject matter of their disciplines. A close examination of the leading arguments in the debates shows that while positive arguments that language is x tend to be sound, negative arguments that language is not x generally fail. This implies that we should be pluralists about the metaphysical status of language and the subject matter of linguistics and the philosophy of language. A pluralist (...)
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  42.  24
    Preach! (Practice not Included): A Qualified Defense of Hypocrisy.Carlos Santana - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (4):571-584.
    Hypocrisy is generally treated as particularly repugnant, perhaps the “only unforgivable sin.” I argue that this attitude is misplaced. Hypocrisy—especially quotidian hypocrisy by the average citizen—plays an essential role in maintaining and promoting a good society. Hypocrisy facilitates the establishment and maintenance of beneficial social norms, and can secure better social outcomes when full compliance with a norm is suboptimal. The hypocrite then, is sometimes playing a crucial role in society, and in such cases doesn’t deserve the full measure of (...)
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    Il Parmenide phusikos e il meccanismo di Antikitera.Livio Rossetti - 2019 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 27:02712-02712.
    Il Parmenide _phusikos_ e il meccanismo di Antikitera: Risposta alle osservazioni di N.-L. Cordero.
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    Parmenide ‘Astronomo’ e ‘Biologo’.Livio Rossetti - 2019 - Philosophical Inquiry 43 (1):54-71.
    Was Parmenides a distinguished ‘astronomer’ and ‘biologist’ other than the great ‘philosopher’ he has been unanimously considered from the times of Plato onwards? Many admirers of the ‘philosopher’ are not just refractory to consider this possibility: they simply ignore what Parmenides was able to discover in the additional domains I have just mentioned. But he was great as an ‘astronomer’ and a ‘biologist’ too, probably not less great than as a ‘philosopher’.The aim of this paper is to supply the basic (...)
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    Mineral misbehavior: why mineralogists don’t deal in natural kinds.Carlos Santana - 2019 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (3):333-343.
    Mineral species are, at first glance, an excellent candidate for an ideal set of natural kinds somewhere beyond the periodic table. Mineralogists have a detailed set of rules and formal procedure for ratifying new species, and minerals are a less messy subject matter than biological species, psychological disorders, or even chemicals more broadly—all areas of taxonomy where the status of species as natural kinds has been disputed. After explaining how philosophers have tended to get mineralogy wrong in discussions of natural (...)
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  46. Let’s not agree to disagree: the role of strategic disagreement in science.Carlos Santana - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 25):6159-6177.
    Supposedly, stubbornness on the part of scientists—an unwillingness to change one’s position on a scientific issue even in the face of countervailing evidence—helps efficiently divide scientific labor. Maintaining disagreement is important because it keeps scientists pursuing a diversity of leads rather than all working on the most promising, and stubbornness helps preserve this disagreement. Planck’s observation that “Science progresses one funeral at a time” might therefore be an insight into epistemically beneficial stubbornness on the part of researchers. In conversation with (...)
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    COVID-19, other zoonotic diseases and wildlife conservation.Carlos Santana - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-3.
    Many experts have warned that environmental degradation is increasing the likelihood of future pandemics like COVID-19, as habitat loss and poaching increase close contact between wildlife and people. This fact has been framed as a reason to increase wildlife conservation efforts. We have many good reasons to step up conservation efforts, but arguments for doing so on the basis of pandemic prevention are rhetorically, ethically, and empricially flawed.
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    The value of and in novel ecosystem.Carlos Gray Santana - 2022 - Biology and Philosophy 37 (2):1-18.
    The very idea of novel ecosystems has been controversial in ecology. Critics have complained about its imprecision, and that it illicitly smuggles problematic ethical and political values into the science. By labelling a human-modified system a ‘novel ecosystem,‘ they worry, we give policymakers a “license to trash nature.“ The critics are right to be suspicious. I show that proponents of the novel ecosystem concept have been unable to make it both value-free and precise enough to allow for applied use.Also, the (...)
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    Biodiversity is a chimera, and chimeras aren’t real.Carlos Santana - 2018 - Biology and Philosophy 33 (1-2):15.
    A recent article by Burch-Brown and Archer provides compelling arguments that biodiversity is either a natural kind or a pragmatically-valid scientific entity. I call into question three of these arguments. The first argument contends that biodiversity is a Homeostatic Property Cluster. I respond that there is no plausible homeostatic mechanism that would make biodiversity an HPC natural kind. The second argument proposes that biodiversity is a multiply-realizable functional kind. I respond that there is no shared function to ground this account. (...)
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  50. Three Elements of Stakeholder Legitimacy.Adele Santana - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (2):257-265.
    This paper focuses attention on the stakeholder attribute of legitimacy. Drawing upon institutional and stakeholder theories, I develop a framework of stakeholder legitimacy based on its three aspects—legitimacy of the stakeholder as an entity, legitimacy of the stakeholder’s claim, and legitimacy of the stakeholder’s behavior. I assume that stakeholder legitimacy is socially constructed by management and that each of its three aspects exists in degree in the manager’s perception. I discuss how these aspects interact and change over time, and propose (...)
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